How to know the reasons behind private engineering colleges ranking higher consistently

How to know the reasons behind private engineering colleges ranking higher consistently

While education at the IIT is the dream of any aspiring engineers, they are tough to get admission. Thus, any student looks up the ranking of engineering colleges in MP to search for a university good enough. A common thing that comes to notice then is that these rankings across the board have many private engineering colleges in Gwalior at the top. This trend of being at the top of a private college has been consistently seen over the years.

Tuition fees

The only thing that one can think of really against any of the top private engineering colleges in Gwalior is their higher tuition fees. The administration determines the tuition fees at any of the private colleges. While the ranking of engineering colleges in MP takes the costs of education into account, this becomes a moot factor in the long run. Government-run and private colleges need to follow the government guidelines and provide proper reservations to the various quotas. Minorities, a few castes, and female students are charged a lower fee. But private colleges also offer a plethora of scholarship options to mitigate this factor.


Other than a handful of the stellar government colleges, placements are the bane of any college to rise up in the ranking of engineering colleges in MP. Almost any of the private engineering colleges in Gwalior ensure that they create an industry interface with their academia. These colleges have tie-ups with many multinational companies who help them create industry-ready students. Colleges ensure that well-known names from the industry provide their experiences and knowledge to the students as guest lecturers. This helps the college to strengthen its bonds with the industry that drives placements as well.

Teaching faculty

Again, the top-most government colleges, as per the ranking of engineering colleges in MP, usually have well-qualified staff. This faculty is generally paid well and provides quality education to the students. On the other hand, private engineering colleges in Gwalior typically have a shortage of teaching staff. But they boost the quality of learning by attracting visiting faculty and providing state-of-the-art facilities. These are usually not available at a government college as procuring a new laboratory or equipment is embroiled in red tape. This makes students graduating from a private college better equipped, especially in a fast-changing world.

Curriculum and recognition

An engineering degree obtained from any of the government colleges will always be accepted globally without any problem. But almost any of the private engineering colleges in Gwalior of repute have the necessary accreditations and recognitions from the various government bodies. The ranking of engineering colleges in MP uses these certificates as a significant factor. Education at a private college also makes it easier for one to adjust as per the latest technology trends easily. But one should keep in mind that some private colleges follow an autonomous curriculum that is sometimes not preferred to provide admission to higher education.



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